hi you fogeys!! member me? the kid who used to run this blog and write posts for you? been a while hasnt it? in case youve forgotten, my name is scarletta miskinivitch. and ive been very busy of late. so dont be mad that i havent posted in like a month... seriously, i think its been that long! ok, well news. nothing really. lynette came last week, and its been good times having her here. i'll post the pics we took the other night up... dancing to oldies..:D:D. goood times! and um, there have been no incidents of hilarity since we moved out of the rental place... unfortunately for you. well, like jokes and stuff, sure, but nothing that you would find gut wrenchingly funny... as you usually do. gordon is still the same, and he has discovered a magnet that he dearly loves. it says " there is nothing as nice as doing nothing, and then resting for a while afterwards". that was a funny one. describes gordon rather well. OMW!! us three miskins have undergone a major change! we are now "model students" as opposed to plymouth where i was always being asked to "please stop talking now..." now, my teachers wish my classmates were like me!! ITS HILARIOUS!! gordon and morgy as well... five cheers for us!! my mom had her birthday yesterday (may 22) and im sure she had a nice day. our rooms are all painted now, so life is DEFINITELY settling into a regular pattern, of going to school, coming home, sleeping, and so on and so forth. on fridays morgy and i have piano lessons, but alas! she has no eccentric husband... mr. knol was SERIOUSLY very funny! but my teacher is good... so thats nice. ok, so i'll wrap up now. and you guys HAVE TO REMIND ME TO UPDATE WHEN YOU WANT AN UPDATE!! COZ I FORGET AND ALL THAT!!! remember, this blog needs YOU if it is ever to succeed and overcome the difficulties facing it!! whate are you going to do about this?? are you going to settle for apathy and nonchalance?!?! or will you grasp this opportunity firmly, not relenting and not letting go, even though great storms buffet thee?!?! this blog needs YOOOU to keep going... DO NOT FAIL YOURSELVES, YOUR COUNTRY, YOUR HONOUR AND YOUR
MOTHERS!!! (gasp...) ok... i'll quit now...:D:D.
enjoy the pics, i love 'em myself.
gordon gets up close and personal... he thought you fogeys would appreciate a close study of his face, so he got me to stand in the background and took it. no, we were trying to take a timed picture, and thought the timer was on, when it wasnt, and it caught him by surprise and took this beauty. I LOVE IT!!
this is my famous uncle mike. i needed to post this picture before i post the other ones. you'll see why. he is a really really cool uncle! like the aviators? nice eh??
mike is kind enough to take gordon's CELL PHONE! out of his pocket before he.... (check a look at gordons face!!)

there. that completes the trilogy of laughs. this picture proves that none of the above pictures were posed.
bye!!! love y'all... hope you like the pictures, all you friends of gordon that i dont know about who come to this blog...:D: