Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

My Experiences In South Africa and the Way Here

it was the unearthly hour of four in the morning when i was aroused from my slumbers by my mother saying "Are you ready?" yes my friends it was July the thirteenth, the day we were departing for south africa for the first time in three years. i rubbed the sleep from my eyes and fell out of bed, ready (almost) to go. we left the house (simeon drove us) and arrived at the airport, ready to leave. luckily, we had no real problems and the flight to Atlana began. it took us about one hour to get there. after that, we were in the rush of the airport of atlanta. after waiting for what seemed like forever at the gate to our plane, it was announced that our flight was now boarding. after another long stretch of time the flight took off. just another seventeen hours and we would be there. i was enjoying myself quite a bit, i had the seat by the aisle in our row, so i could get up quite easily to go wherever. but across from me were these rather wierd looking people. they were a man (who looked like he had never seen a razor in his life) and a woman (who had masses of messy and curly hair). i tried to look out of their window a few times, and when i did the guy winked at me! a couple times too, gross! anyway, i dismissed the winks and carried on with my movies etc. but when we landed on a tiny island for fuel, and i was arguing with my sister (nothing new) the wierdo asked me if she was my daughter... ??? i said NO! "shes my sister" a look of intense astonishment crossed his features as he asked me how old i really was. rather self-consciously i told him i was fourteen. he was amazed, saying he thought i was in my twenties, being in his twenties himself... so now i figured out why he winked at me... he thought i was his age, and i am glad im not!
anyhow, we got to our destination and went to my oupa's house... where nothing had changed from when i had last been there. it felt like i had walked out of a dream or something... wierd. but then, the next day we departed to cape town we are currently.
my uncle and aunt were at the airport to fetch us, it was so cool to see them again! i love it here in cape town, im having an awesome time... totally cool. my cousins that i havent met before have taken to us very well, and we are already talking like old friends... i love them. it shows that blood is thicker than water, eh?
well, today we went shopping and in this touristy little market place i got these braids of a different colour put in my hair. three to be exact. when they were done, i went out and paid the lady the price of twenty five rand (south african currency) each to her. the prices here seem so huge, i know, but theyre not. like the braids were about the same as three dollars each. not bad eh? but after i came out, this totally random guy who was hanging around his booth told me that they were very cute. i was rather embarassed, so i smiled ( i smile when embarassed) and thanked him... his buddy i think made this whistling noise, i must have been red. well, when we left that building he hollered after me "bye!" and i turned and waved. when i looked around a little later, he was watching me walk away... i feel so wierd. whats your opinion on this? i dunno what to think.
anyhow, im having the best time ever with my family, theyre very cool.. and fun. hope to see you all soon.... but im having too much fun to really think about missing GR.... ill see you lata!
and thats my update... from my uncles computer, cape town, south africa

Monday, July 11, 2005

Laughter, the best medicine!

We've all had days when we needed a good laugh. or something to make us laugh because we were just feeling down right blue, right? well, Scarlett has the answer to this problem for you!!! (gasp of admiration and relief). All you have to do is pick up the phone and dial 1800- LAUGH-WITH-LISA and instantly your blues will flee away! you will hear jolly gales of (fake) laughter boom down your sad and depressed ear. then, you can listen for as long as you would like until your bad mood is disspelled and you are feeling as happy as a...well, happy person.
Isnt that the best news you've heard in a long time folks? i hope so. dont forget, that's 1800-LAUGH-WITH-LISA...thats 1800-LAUGH-WITH-LISA, and it'll brighten up YOUR cloudy day!