"The Sun" is a bad paper...
you can prob tell

while we were still at the rental place...

sorry there are like no pictures of me on my own blog... ever. but i dont have time to post on of me. so we're having a good time with lynette and rachel and sarah and rev. devries... its a good time with them. theyre all so great, im gonna miss them when they leave. life is busy busy... i hadnt been on the internet all week this week.. and got 19 emails... promptly running out of will power, i decided to write to you people another day. so dont worry, your emails will come soon enough, o friends of mine in GR!!! note to john sikma!!! gordon wants you to email him. and um... i'll post soon... i said that last time, but I MEAN IT!! and i will update on life, and post the pics from the botanical gardens today, and fellowship on the miskin couch... where gordon, sarah, rachel, morgy and i all squished on one couch... and had a good time!! miss you all, dont have the stamina to write more... SO SORRY ABOUT MY LACK OF OOOMPH!!!
miss ya!
permit me to be the first to post a comment...Lovely pictures, but more would be nice (ah, poor scarlett, she'll die of exhaustion..I mean, typing and clicking a mouse is killer work...I think I just got a hernia and charley horse combined)
ummmmmmmmmmm..I'm speechless...jk...sorry, but I never will be, as dear Lemming should by now know.
hey hey!!
i luv ur blog!! i miss u guyz sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! thank you thank you thank you for making me laugh!!!! say "hi" to everyone for me!!! pass around a few hugs!!!
w/ luv,
Hey, aren't you in that one with gordon? or is that morgy?
OOOO MY WOW!! SARSIH!! thats cool!! i'll tell gordon hi, and all that... and im so glad that i make you laugh... i really try... its my aim to amuse and provoke smiles. we miss you guys too, dont worry. gordon really misses you all, i know that for a fact.
hi fruitcake...yay, u emailed me. mr sikmavich is off on nationwide adventures, just so ya know, so that mite b y he's not emailing. He'll be back in a week or two i think. great pix...i wanna c more of ur house!!
What is with everybody being named vitch? Are we degenerating into a socialistic society.."Comrade Miskenvitch, permit me to extend my heartiest congratulations to you on the wonderful blog..it has worked miracles for society"...actually I kinda like that..lets do it. All hail Supreme High and Mighty Prime Presidente, Erika Ironfirst Vandykevitch.
farewell comrades
uhhh.. we don't need to see "the pis of lynette." You can leave that in your personal collection.
ooops... i meant pics... will havta fix that. darn, you know what i meant.
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