pictures of our faithful fluffy dog. also know as:
roopy doo
rooples scooples

and probably a few more...

Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!
i would advise you people to say "what an awesome dog!!!" just a hint though.
what an AWESOME dog!! are you joking me, that dog was CRAZY!! lol, he always jumped and barked and stuff...yah, he was something else ENTIRELY!! the picture with gordon is hilarious!!
"what an awesome dog!!!" I never met him, but I met what was probably a distant relative of his once- looked just like him and was also called "Ruhpeht" Little long-haired dogs named Rupert are just cool by nature, I guess. Can he dribble soccer balls?
He is an awesome dog. (So cute!)
I can assure he can dribble, but not soccer balls.
ah yes, the devil dog himself.
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