come to the miskin house, where every room has a sturdy wall...
windows to keep out chilly winds...

gorgeous sunsets...

deep-thinking hosts...

where it is electrically sound...

deep-thinking hosts...

and furry friends to keep you company when you are sleeping...!!!

wow... im impressed... thats the most pics ive gotten up on my blog EVER... and its the first time ive commented on my own blog in a LOONG time...
FIRST REAL COMMENT!! i can't wait to see pix when its all done!!
I like the deep thinking hosts one.
wow scarletti
im glad you know how to explain our house pretty well
and when sera is sleeping with lucy is the best and the dorky picture of me doing afrikaans with mom
yup, a picture speaks a thousand words, and the deep thinking hosts one was about 2thousand
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