Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!

Friday, March 31, 2006


i will now dip into the dim and distant past of us miskin kids. i dont know if ive revealed much of my unusual child hood, so heres some scenarios that we miskin kids created. enjoy!!

with two parents as doctors, we often used to accompany my mom to the hospital where she and dad worked over the school holidays. we enjoyed this quite alot, especially when one particular nurse was there, as she would aid us in our fun schemes by hauling out wheelchairs, drip stands, bandages and all that good stuff. so the stage is set. we are at the hospital, wondering what to do, when this nurse hauls out a wheelchair, the drip stand, and enough bandages to mummify an extremely large individual. ha! the three of us were still young, gordon being about twelve, thus i was ten and morgy was seven. ok, so here we are, using an empty examination room to have fun. we decided that we would bandage our "patient" (morgy) from head to toe (literally) and wheel her down the hallway of the hospital at a high speed. fool proof plan. so we bandaged morgy. we covered her head, including one of her eyes (we werent bad at this you know), both her arms and one of her legs. she looked quite the invalid. any how, after the strenuous task of bandaging her, we sat her in the wheelchair, and roared out of the room, and down the hallway, having the time of our lives. we were all laughing really hard, having fun. we zoomed down the hallway, gordon and i both pushing the wheelchair for all we were worth. we, spur of the moment, decided to turn into an empty waiting room, and sit there, catching our breath, and to prepare for the journey back to our little examination room. we turned into the waiting room, to discover it wasnt empty. the ladies there looked over their magazines, and were more surprised than us three youths looking back at them in horror, especially the invalid. gordon and i promptly fled the scene as fast as we could, leaving morgy to fend for herself, poor child. she sat there for a while, with the ladies staring at her. she then wheeled herself out of there as fast as she possibly could and down the hallways. trouble was, there was another room where two doctors were sitting, facing the door, having a chat. they saw morgy, who kept wheeling herself, faster if possible. they then called "hey!" and morgy jumped out of the wheelchair and pushed it, almost running down the hallway. bear in mind, she was by now sobbing, and still bandaged on both arms, her leg, and her head (covering one eye). gordon and i were down by my moms side of the hallway, laughing our heads off at the poor kid, we were so cruel. but imagine your little sister coming down a hospital hallway, bandaged all over, sobbing her eyes out, pushing the wheelchair you so kindly stopped pushing for her. when she finally reached us, gordon and i had toned out loud guffaws at her expense to little snickers, wiping our eyes of the tears of mirth. mom came out of the room where she had been examining a patient, saw the scene, swooped down on gordon and me in holy wrath, lecturing us, all the time comforting the sobbing morgy with hugs and soothing words. she banished gordon and i to her office (boring place) for a while, and there was no more fun in wheelchairs at the hospital for us. morgy was calmed down by the entire staff taking pity on her and giving her hugs.

another time at the hospital, we bandaged gordon up, as badly as morgy, maybe worse, and gave him the drip stand. what you would do was take a run up, and jump onto the drip stand and ride on it, until it stopped, and do it again. we were proud of our bandaging, and told gordon to go out and show mom. so he wheeled himself, as i held the door open. he jumped onto the drip stand and went whizzing out of our "fun room" straight into a bunch of patients walking down the hallway. they probably thought they were hallucinating, for as soon as gordon almost ran them down, he turned and hastily departed back in to our little room, where morgy and i were having a good laugh. ah, good times, good times.

apart from the good times we had at the hospital, there were many other amusing things we did during the holidays. like the day gordon and i poured some milk for morgy and put salt and pepper in it, for an experiment as to what it would taste like. morgy gratefully took a sip, and immedeately sputtered, coughed and started crying. gordon and i were watching in growing amusement, until she ran to tell mom. our laughter ended, especially when she made us drink it. morgy got the last laugh, unfortunately for us.
the second last scenario i will put forth, is the time gordon and i (is it just me, or does it seem like gordon and i are the evil duo almost every time??haha) decided to dye a couple chips (french fries) green, and gauge the reaction. supper time rolled around, and guess who got the green chips?? morgy!!! (surprise!!) she yelled "hey, my chip is GREEN!!" dad peered at it closely, and told her not to eat it, since it was probably poisonous. gordon and i were snickering, and told morgy and dad the truth. neither were very thrilled.
the last scenario, is about morgy once more. no, gordon and i did nothing this time. we were having spaghetti for supper, and it was slippery. we got our spaghetti from the stove in the kitchen, and had to walk through the rest of the kitchen to the dining room. mom dished up for morgy, telling her "be very careful, because its very slippery." morgy nodded and headed for the dining room, and just as she got there, she tipped her plate, and the spaghetti went everywhere. dad was very wroth, and hollered " GO TO THE KITCHEN!!" as morgy did so he yelled "NO, COME SIT DOWN!!" morgy half oblilged when he yelled "STAND STILL!!!" morgy was so confused she stood there and started crying. i felt for her, but not enough to stop laughing.
i had a fun childhood... oh yes i did. hope you enjoyed this as much as i did while i was typing it up!!!


Anonymous said...
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Erika said...

FIRST COMMENT!! omg, i'm almost crying I'm laughing so hard!! gordon neglected to tell me these sorts of stories...i love 'em!! I can just see you guys doing that, too yet, thats what makes me laugh so hard!! Poor wonder she turned out the way she is...JKJKJKJK!! those are priceless memories tho, thanx for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

You know anonymous, we really don't care that you got extra cash on your game system. Please go and comment your spam on other people's blogs.
Thank you

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Lovely narrative, Scarlett!

Dren said...

HAHAHAHA I'm surprised they let you back in the country! You guys could have caused some serious accidents to people with hart problems you know

Erika said...

dren obviously refers to those who see deer and such like.

scarlatti said...

hey guys!! miss ya'll and thats all i can think of saying...

Anonymous said...

evil, evil, evil, naughty children. have you no sympathy for your little sister? actually i don't blame you, i'd do the same things to my little sistes(s).


scarlatti said...

hmm... glad you found the post funny... i had my doubts. i read the post to my sister, and for some unexplainable reason, she didnt laugh once!! :D:D:D
btw, i have an unexplainable bruise on my knee. can you wise folks offer any suggestion as to where it came from??

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Were you kneeling on a wood floor, or other hard surface? Did you over extend the knee joint? (Front kicks) Did you trip over something while sleep walking?
And where is the bruise? On the side? or on the knee cap?

Anonymous said...

Maybe u ran into a wall..hey it's just a suggestion!! :D


Erika said...

it was prolly a close escape on the back of a zebra from a cheetah in close pursuit. thankfully, however, gordon managed to jump off his lazy butt and tackle the cheetah midstride and kill it for a new skin rug on his floor. Then he calmly went back to his studying, as seen in the picture above.

scarlatti said...

erika, was a very funny comment!!! and you know evie, i was kneeling in a wooden floor, so i think i just solved the mystery!!! thanks guys!!

Anonymous said...
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scarlatti said...

oh, i haaaaaaaaaate spam!! thats it, im getting word verification!!(even though i hate it on other peoples blogs)

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Aha! So you wanted us to comment on here did you? well well, you shall not impinge upon our rights as commenters!!
Glad to help you Scarltte:)

Anonymous said...

dude wish my childhood was half as interesting as yours was...mine consisted of like playing w/ dolls, climbing trees, and lotsa other things i regret doing...

scarlatti said...

i know you do, courtney, you were too busy a-chasin frogs to be having crazy fun like we were!!
ok, im probly not gonna be emailing alot for the next few days, since we're gonna be moving, but to keep you happy, you can expect a post about our move (with pictures hopefully)... so keep hoping for that... but it will be a while, k?
luv y'all!!

Erika said...


Darselo said...

Scarlett, that was HILARIOUS... I can just see your incensed parents swooping down upon you in righteous indignation. Thanx for the laugh. :D

born2fly said...

hey scarlett!! we're starting a book on s. africa in classic lit! its called cry (of the?) beloved country...i hope its good!! email me!! miss u tons