morgy tries to beat off the infamous psymon, as we pack the trailer the night before the big move. this was from the rental place... *shudder at the name*. isnt her face hilarious in this picture?? the thing is, she was "posing" for a "senior picture" and i took it when she wasnt ready.

gordon believes he can fly!!! note how hard we are working... note: all these pictures are from the day we had the great rain, that i published about a while back. this was the afternoon before the rains fell... so thats to put stuff in perspective. the container came the next day. it took me forever to get this picture right. one day i'll put the other ones up... he looks hilarious!

gordon rode to the new house in the trailer... to make sure it stayed shut, and to keep our stuff from like falling out. doesnt he look happy?
mom supervises the work as it is done from the comfort of her beach chair, with a cup of coffee.
our lounge. it looks better now. we couldnt really walk through all that without having to climb over a couch or two.
gordon and i get some shut-eye after a LONG day of moving and unpacking. we were all tired from all the moving, except rupert. he had tons of energy. and we were very glad to have him back.
ok, so the move. the container came... so we had to hire a moving company to help us unpack it. so it was one of the easiest moves ive ever done... i think i only carried one thing into the house...:D. it was sooo wierd to see all our stuff again after three or four months... but it was great!! morgy had SOOO many boxes... the moving company guys when they saw a box that said "morgan's room..." they were like "ooh, morgan..." and they would know EXACTLY where to take it. it was really funny. the move was happy and sad... unpacking everything that reminded me sooo much of all you guys... and all the crazy fun times we had! but still... im glad to have our stuff. we each have our own room... except gordon, who doesnt have a room yet!:D:D:D. hes staying in a small little room that my mom wants as her study, until the room outside (the granny flat) is fixed up, so that he can live there. it took us about a week to unpack absolutely everything... which is pretty fast. we had help though. one thing that distressed me greatly was... the ABSENCE OF PIGGY!! i couldnt find him ANYWHERE!! (for any who need more info on who piggy is, email me). but after about... three days, when the burdetts came to help us (good friends of ours) auntie jean found him... i was sooo glad!! i missed him quite a bit. as you can probably tell from the pictures, our house was in CHAOS for a while... but we had to get it all sorted out, since sarah vandenberg was coming that saturday... it was hectic!! but we had help from tristin and tarryn as well (girls from church... theyre sooo nice). they helped us out a tooon!! the whole moving thing was reaally tiring... we went to bed really early at night, with sore bodies, and REALLY sore feet. the passage way in our house is EXTRA long... and we had to commute down it quite a bit... believe you me!! carrying the various little things we found in totally random boxes from the very front of our house to my parents room... it's a loooooooong trek to repeat about one hundred times a day. i swear, i walked about three miles in that week!! and it wasnt long after we had just gotten everything sorted out, when a friend brought sam the painter so paint our place. so now that our house is in order its being painted. the entrance hall and the lounge have been painted... and now my room is being done. so just as i was comfortably moved in to my room, i had to move out again. its cool though, i was sick of the mustard yellow walls. so ya. i hope the pictures say alot, and that you enjoyed them. there arent that many of me, coz i took most of the pics... :D. so dont feel bad if you dont see like...any of me. harrharr!! bye!
ps... i had this great picture of gordon that i wanted to put up...but i accidentaly deleted it, and now it wont upload.... GRRRR!!! he was lying in his temporary abode, on his mattress on the floor, and all you could see was his head. and his room around him was a total MESS!! omw, i love that picture. he looks like such a total doofus... and depicts him in his natural habitat: bed. he also has a crisis where his computer wasnt working... which was horrible. he was terribly disappointed. but hes doing fine without it now...JUUUST KIIDDING!! he got it to work, and is very glad about that. i think its the one thing out of all our stuff that he missed the most. i missed piggy, and the piano a lot. but thats about all. i'll post more pictures of the move and of life soon, coz there are TONS of pictures that you guys would like.
First Comment! This is random, but writing that always tempts me to write "First Base!" instead, but I fear that not enought people will understand the "Who's On First" reference.
Anyways, thanx for the post... It was nice having pics to help us understand what you are talking about. Psymon looks psychotic. Well not really. But he does look big, ugly and slobbery. That pic of Gordon flying was funny.
hello fogeys!! now, i need a popular vote here. morgy says i should change my template. but i dont know if i want to. so should i or should i not? if i change it, i will use the one like erika's, only the white one. (IM NOT COPYING YOU ERIKA!!)so, whatcha think?!?!?!
THERE WILL BE NO COPYING OF ERIKA!! lol, idk if i can authorize such a thing. and anyway, changing ur template majorly confuses people, so I wouldn't advise it...but thats just me:-) Great post...FIIIIINALLY pictures!! I'm mucho excited!! I loooooove the *ahem* ONE picture of the outside of ur house. its sooooo beautiful tho, seriously!! Can't w8 2 c more...and u owe me an email u fruitcake!!
hey scarllet, glad u moved, looks like a nice house, u OWE me and EMAIL too. (or is that the other way around) owell, just be nice and email me anyways, k?
OOOOOOooh, and I just realized the house has pillars AND a balcony!! THATS MY DREAM HOUSE!!!!
Cool digs, fellas.
hey hey WOMAN! how ya doing. jolly good pictures, jolly good. i wanna see some of your new house now. anyway, you should check out peteys blog to see some pictures (though he hasn't updated it for awhile). miss you all so much
John, John, John. How many times must I tell you that you never leave your blog unoperational? It breaks our hearts to see you out on the streets of the internet like this. Please John, we're begging you... Ok, fine. I'm begging you because I'm bored. I need joke fodder, as I have also said to numerous others.
U fruitcake, I can't COMMENT if theres no NEW POST!! Ur not gonna get multiple comments if u haven't updated in ages hello!!
You could make innane and unrelated comments. Or revert to posting song lyrics...
I feel sadly left out here. All these people know one another, while I know not a soul. Imagine, lost in a virtual world, where everyone knows one another and you know not a single solitary person! (are you crying yet?) Oooh, erika, I just had the best idea....you like that house so much, you should buy one and when you travel down to the nether regions of the world to take up you're new abode, I can, like, stow away in your suitcase. But then I'll have to go through the xray thingee, and they'll catch me, and drop me out of the plain half way there because they think the suitcase im in is a bomb because im making ticking noise because im pissed that myheadphones don't work and i cant get erika whackheads attention.
and that, folks, is whats known as "a whole lot of nothing"
sweet pics, scarlett, esp the one of you and gordy asleep...interesting posture. make certain to post more pictures, to keep us sad lowlifes aware that someone at least has a life (at least, I'm a lowlife)
ok, enough insanity
au revoire for now, chaps and esses
who posts song lyrics? I'd like to meet them
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