HEAR YE, HEAR YE!! ye frequenters of yon bonny blog!!! an update is forthcoming, do not let thine spirits assail thee!!! i shall make time in mine busy schedule to pen a post worth reading and proclaiming to neighbouring villages!! i have no time as of this current day, but shall make for thee a post, but there is bad news! this post shall probably only come in many moons!! but keep a stiff upper lip, hold thine head high, and walk bravely, with an twinkle in thine eye and spring in thine step, knowing that a post is forthcoming to gladden saddened and melancholy hearts, as you well know i endeavour to do!!!
Ho my word!! This must have taken you hours upon hours to write. "keep a stiff upper lip"....thats hilarious. I TOLD you you were funny.
I'm the first one hear for the first time ever. OMW!!!
Very well written, more or less, not too bad, halfway decent, seen worse in my day, passable, ok,....better stop right there. Just kidding, its very funny.
The foolish blog refuses to admit that there is one comment on this posting! I am incensed!!! It deliberately attempts to provoke me to white hot wrath, forcing me to vent my rage by demolishing the computer, screaming at the top of my lungs for five minutes straight without a single breath, make a pile of books twenty feet high (im at the library) and knock it over and jump up and down vigorously upon it, and then finish off with a crosscountry rampage, Godzilla style. Man!
Ps I got the second comment too!!! HEEHEE!!!!
ya, i member you josiah. we used to tease you and morgy... good times!! skater...no comment on the second comment..:D
yo dude!i know im the worst friend ever and that i havent replied for like 2weeks but ill try to email you on tues. So hows South Africa? Dude how did you like the pictures of us from school? in one picture Cass's hair looks like a bush caz i messed it up and it was funny. I like the picture you posted! nice touch but you still have to post your house pictures!Well dude i better go to bed i promise you an email on tue and hope you dont get eaten by any lions. Adious!Lindsay
i dont have the pictures from jess yet lindsay... and im a worse friend than you... i havent sent your bday presents yet...:(
The pictures are coming!! i promise!:D Thats a sweet pic. btw!! the background is buuutiful:D cya!!
ya.. thats camps bay in cape town. really nice place. we were on a mt. called lion's head.. really nice view!!
That pic looks like "cry, the beloved country"...in the book there were hills lovely beyond all singing of
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