since i wont be home on my birthday itself, i thought id post this now.
who woulda thought that so much could change in one year of my life? lets take a look.
October 1, 2005.
wellwell, look where i was. happily situated in Grand Rapids, MI. i was turning the not-so-ripe-old-age of 15 and having all my friends over. we were making a movie. o yeah. "twasnt a murder" . who are my friends? why, i'll show you all their beautiful faces. thats us, right there. great kids.

we spent the day running around our garden in OUTRAGEOUS outfits (aka, gordons jeans, wigs, big old glasses, a tshirt stuffed with a pillow, my moms old wedding dress and other stuff...) and laughing our heads off. it was a great time. course, theyre still my friends. but i have other friends now. take a look. they have both left my school, but they are friends still.

any way, back to birthdays. i digress. i remember my birthday with you people as if it was yesterday, not yesteryear. life goes fast, i must admit it. the old cliche still rings true, doesnt it? differences between the two birthdays are... many. my bday in the states: it was fall, here my bday is in spring. i was in america, well, now im in africa (duh...) i had 8 friends or so then... i have about... three now, only one of which is actually in my school. im afraid you cant make much of a movie with 3 people...:D oh, this year im celebrating my not-so-sweet sixteen in cape town... which makes it really-sweet-sixteen i guess. no driving for me (hallelujah...:D). and i guess thats it. theres nothing i really WANT for my birthday... cept stuff for my room.
birthdays are an emotional time for some of us:

but for others of us, its not such a big deal. but hey, when youre spending your birthday in a WAAY different way than you did the year before, you realize that life changes like really fast. *snap* like that. and i guess i wanna say that even though i miss you guys alot still, i realize that you gotta move on and just... live life. its kinda fun actually...:D
now, let us round this off in a most appropriate manner... a-one, a-two, a-one, two three:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!hahahahahahahahahahahahaha... joke's on me!
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Happy Birthday Scarlett
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Scarlita Miskinovich!
Fruiiiiiiiitcake!! happy birthday!! hope u have an awesome day!!
heya there! i know i am the worst friend ever...i never email you but no fear i will try to email you tonite! i love the picture! i am wearing my prision shirt thanks erika and i look horrible...anyways that was good times! i still remeber that movie it was a rocking good time...good to meet you, shaking hands... it was a wonderful experience um yeah...its not your birthday until october 1 so dont make me feel bad that i didnt get you your present yet...anyways you can watch our movie on your birthday and lol watch courtney smash the awsome ball...owell good times! miss ya tons!lindsay... FBI is still in business, but so is matchmaking
My beautiful and precious Scarlett, Happy Birthday! Keep blessing people with your beauty and happiness. Enjoy every moment of life. I love you and miss you so much...
wow, thanks for the support shown guys!! its been a while since youve been here, smart aleck, so welcome back! and thanks for the birthday wishes all you guys... thats very nice of you. i miss y'all too!!
Feliz Cumpleanos Scarlett!!!! Muchos Felicidades!
Hi ya scarlett!! thats an awsome picture!!:) (when did we take it?) but neways that movie was so fun!! cya later...dora rite??:) hehe
luv ya
Happy Birthday!!! and don't worry too much about not driving, I could get my license any time, but I havent
thanks darren... but you dont understand. my parents were just talking the other night on how glad they were that im NOT driving this year... and i think i would pass out from nervousness...:D.
JEEEESSS!!!! been a while since youve been round the old place... i cant member when we took that pic, but i know your sister took it...:D
HAPPY BDAY SCARLETT!! how was capetown?
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