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Thursday, October 05, 2006

the cape: part one

hello everyone. we just got back from the cape, and i thought you would appreciate an update on the happenings of the last week or so.
so on wednesday we arrived at the airport at about...5 o'clock. vick then took us straight out to the farm (jointly owned my mike, his wife corne, corne's sister agnes, and corne's parents) where we would be staying for a while. we got there and said hello to the family, who were happy to see us, as we were happy to see them. after hellos were said, and luggage was put in our rooms, i went to the bathroom. i closed the door properly, not knowing that it has a habit of getting stuck... so when i tried to open the door, it wouldnt open. "oh great..." i thought. no one was near us, so i lamely called out "erm, help... hello?? help please... im kinda stuck...hello?!?!?!" this was the second time i got stuck in a room that week... not good for the record. however, then sera (my 4 yr old cousin) walked into our room calling for me. i then said "sera, im stuck... can you get help??" "oh ok scally," was the reply "i'll go get my dad..." mike then arrived and let me out. i made a mental note in my head "never close that door properly again..."
the next morning however, i forgot all about my mental note. i got up and went to shower, closing the door. i then realized i quick wanted something, and hooray!! the door was stuck. so here was me... in my pj's and a sweatshirt, stuck in the bathroom AGAIN. i was turning the options over in my head, since i didnt think anyone would hear me hollering. then i saw the windows right by the toilet... i was like " you know, i bet i could jump out of that window, if i squeezed..." as i was thinking about this, it seemed the best idea. as i was getting ready to jump out however, oupa's workers rounded a corner of the house, right by the bathroom, and i quick jumped off the toilet seat (upon which i was standing...) and walked nonchalantly back to the sink... first i closed the blinds though. it would not have looked good... a kid with bed head, in red hat society pj's leaping out of bathroom windows with a happy cry, all at 8:00 a.m or earlier in the morning. then i figured "well, im in the bathroom, ive got my clothes and i might as well shower..." which is what i did... then morgy walked in and became my second saviour from the clutches of THE BATHROOM!!! nothing much happened that day... i spent alot of time with sera and just having a good time.
friday. it was cold on friday. and it was the day i learned how to ride/drive a quad bike. yes, gordon taught me. he took me down to the little dam, and told me the know-how, show me how to apply the know how and then said "scally, you try it!!" ahahahaha... i thought. theres a body of water near us!!! "but what if i run into the dam??" i nervously asked gordon. to which he soberly (and rather irritatedly) replied "then i'll be REALLY mad, and you REALLY suck..." heartened by these words of encouragement and friendship, i embarked on my maiden voyage. i roared off in confidence with a grin on my face, savouring the cold wind blowing my awesome hair. hahahahaha... thats hilarious!!! in all reality, i puttsed off at the steady pace of... oh, 6 kilometers an hour, nervously biting my lip. by the time i got back from my trip around the light pole and back, gordon was tapping his foot. "come on, this isnt an old lady's wheelchair race!!!" were the hearty words i was greeted with. he then hopped on and showed me how its SUPPOSED to be done... yay. then he said " you drive me back to the house!!" oh. great. so i did. at my steady speed of... 6 k's an hour. he then said, "you can kick it up into second, we dont have to go this slow the whole way home..." so i did. and went up the the daring speed of 13 k's an hour. "youre getting a little over confident" gordon remarked in all sarcasm "13 is a little fast..." hahaha. thanks. but i didnt crash, and i rode it quite a few times, till mike told gordon that morgy and i shouldnt for various reasons (too easy to spin outta control...etcetc...)
than at supper that night, it was a jolly affair. during the duration of the meal, mike got a little hot, so he took of his sweat shirt. this created the whole "fuzzy" effect on his hair, and it looked really funny. so i was snickering to myself about it, and he enquired "whats so funny, huh???" to which i replied "nothing, its just your hair looks kinda fuzzy..." he then proceeded to say "MY HAIR HAS BODY!!! IT HAS LIFE!! JUST COZ YOUR HAIR IS SO BORING AND FLAT DOESNT MEAN MINE IS!!! MY HAIR LOVES LIFE!! IT LOVES IT!!!" this eccentric speech was accompanied by crazy hand gestures and hilarious facial expressions... and i thought if someone were peeping in through the window, they would find us a mad bunch of people... my uncle yelling about his lively hair, and me and gordon guffawing at his speech...
ok, thats a long post, and theres still more to be written... so i'll write it on another day. hope you enjoyed it...:D


Darselo said...

Scarlett, you have done the nigh impossible. You have made me giggle before 10:00 on a Monday morning.

scarlatti said...

well then, im extremely gratified... glad to be of service!!!

Erika said...

ALMOST first comment;-) Sounds like u had, i can totally picture u getting stuck in the bathroom, thats awesome. I'd be VERY mad to have my morning start thus, however!! good job on riding the bike thingie btw!! i tried to ride one of those that my dad had when he was younger, but since its rather old it'd get me half way thru the neighborhood and then die abruptly, making it so i'd hafta wheel this monstrosity back to my house. ANYWAY!! u owe me an email!!