Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

the question...

i think the world at large has gotten busier. why, i remember the days of yore where only a TERRIBLE post got four comments... not one that i put lots of effort into!!! but nowadays, no one comments on anyone's blog. it is a sad state of affairs that brings to mind this question:
oh, random pic of the week. this is what my room looked like whilst we were building.


Erika said...

Scarlett, its oooooook!! breath in and out!! just leave the post up til enuff ppl comment, if nothing else until they bellow for updates. we love reading ur blog, i swear!!

Darselo said...

don't stop scarlett... or you'll deprive me of one of the few things there is to look forward to on dreary, lonely monday mornings. you have the only blog that makes me laugh on a regular basis. i still chuckle over your uncle's hair at this moment. sometimes it's hard to think of comments, btw. all ideas pale in comparison to your brilliant posts.

Darselo said...

if you need consolation, just look at some of the other blogs in erika's links list. there are a lot of very comment-starved brogs out there, and people who would (probably) be very happy to get 4 different commenters on a post. ack- i sound like a mother, or a sunday school teacher...

Terreth said...

Dear Scarlet,
Even though I do not comment I certainly do read your blog. It is one of the only ways I can kind of keep up with your family.
Please keep it going.
Love through Christ,
p.s. Martha and I started a blog too: (and I we are actually going to be keeping up with this one every once and a while)