Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


you know, one thing that drives me insane are the guys on my bus. they never ever do anything wrong, they claim, but they get in trouble any way, becaues mr. bazen supposedly hates them. also, there are some people (no names) in my history class who get in trouble, and there first response EVERY TIME, is "I DIDNT DO IT!" i want to say to them "isnt life unfair? poor baby. always in trouble for nothing." i cant stand it. its not like they dont do what they are accused of doing. and they always say they didnt do it. they make their lives at school miserable.
but the stinky part in all this injustice is, these guys are bullies. and they think its funny to pick on the little people, who are nerdy. or different. i hate it. and they pick on the small guys. who have no one to stick up for them. and who cant beat them up. i hate unfairness. i despise bullies. i dislike injustice. life is so unfair sometimes. makes me wonder what it would be like to be unpopular. and i think, those who are popular should stick up for the unpopular nerdier kids, especially if they're younger. and ive got four weeks left (or less) to make my stand. i think i will. sigh.
injustice... tis a sad thing.


Erika said...

I totally agree dudes!! I HATE people like that. Its hard to go up against 'em sometimes, but if nothing else just saying hi 2 whoever you see being picked on or w/e helps I'd imagine. Just so they know that there are SOME decent ppl out there. Obviously, just speaking up is ideal.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Do you need someone to kick shins?

Darselo said...

100% agreement Scarlett. I don't understand people who can't just live with the rules and play nice. Is it so impossible? If there is any confrontation or kicking of shins, make sure I get in on it, k?

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. Bullies are an unprintable word which I can't say for fear of retribution. OH, and by the way, thank you for the lovely compliment you gave me yesterday. I think it was a compliment. BYE

scarlatti said...

what compliment chris? and yeah, bullies drive me insane. i hate em all.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

No doubt you mean

" "bullies" is an unprintable word,".

Darselo said...

Aha! Great idea! Get rid of bullies by posting long advertisements on their blogs to bore them to death! Can't believe we didn't think of that earlier.

scarlatti said...

hmmm... i was wondering why there was such a long comment on my blog. psh. shoulda known.

Darselo said...

Yup... just an anti-bully mechanism gone astray.

scarlatti said...

it makes me wanna cry. just kidding. (the anti-bully mechanism gone astray, i mean)

Anonymous said...

Responding to your query, "what compliment chris?" The compliment, as I recall, had something to do with teeth, but I shan't go into details.