here are some great (random) quotes ive gathered from all my acquaintances, and a few other sources.
i quote:
" you're never old enough to learn." a guest at our house misquoted this one.
" Your diary?ive never read your diary." my sister.
" you have two brothers, did you know that?" gordon, in second grade to a classmate, when he discovered his classmate had two brothers.
" good thing im faster than most horses." petey
" theres ground beneath the dirt!!!" courtney's profoundness.
" O, i am excessively diverted!" Elizabeht Bennet in Pride and Prejudice
" winter's round the corner!" my mom's cheerful words of wisdom.
" your voice is an annoying noise!" mrs. lamain, in 7th grade to trent knibbe.
" knock and the door shall be opened unto you, except when im sleeping" the sign on my sister's door.
" its our own family blonde joke!" my uncle mike about me, when i said something particularly stupid.
" youve waited MONTHS even YEARS for this day!!" a birthday card from my sister to my brother on his fifteenth birthday.
" im going to call him Shmo." gordon, when we recieved our dog.
" Oh, shuttup, you are so annoying!" King Julian of the lemurs in madagascar
" G'mornin!" Mr. Devries when cassie poked her head in his tent on our muskegon trip.
" Oh, oops!" john, when he ran the wrong way in our football game.
" Together! you must work together to find my murderer!" pete, as kent oliver in "the deadly bananaman"
" would you like some coffee with you milk?" my dad when gordon puts too much milk in his coffee.
" its horrible!" my cousin hannah about my haircut.
" how many days walk was your military compound from the equator?" pete asked gordon with admiration in his voice and shining eyes when we first arrived.
" youre retarded" almost everyone i meet to me, which is true.
" you look like a lion." me when morgy asked me what her hair looked like when it was really poofy.
" yay, yay!" gordon, as he jumped on a trampoline in South Africa.
" bwoo-ha-ha!" morgy, during a particularly serious moment over breakfast.
" mushroom pile!" my mom about the pile of clothing on my chair.
" firework, firework, happy fourth of july!" jess, in a very clever moment.
" fnarr, fnarr!!" gordon's evil laugh
" there's people prowling about!" courtney, as she glanced over her shoulder into the dark. this was on our muskegon trip.
and the last one:
" he who laughs last thinks the slowest." an ancient zimbabwean proverb.
end quote.
Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
The story of X and Y

this is the sad narrative of two individuals. they will for good reasons, be left nameless and so we will call them X and Y. X and Y were not your average people. ah yes, my friends, they were mental retards. or to be politically correct, they were disturbed. and they were starting to scare the neighbourhood in which they resided.finally, after they had scared one old lady into hysterics so violent that she was admitted into the hospital and later died, they were arrested and taken to a home for the disturbed. then they were put into a little room where no one saw them. they were forgotten, but far from gone. oh yes, not yet gone.
it was a while later that our two disturbed friends decided that they didnt like their new home. so they hatched an ingenious plan (for mentals) to escape. so when the man with their rations came round the next day, they somehow knocked him out, bound and gagged him and hopped into their wheelchairs. then they frantically wheeled out, at 100 mph, and made their way to the fire escape door. on the way, they flattend an unfortunate nurse, and killed her. not daring to stop, they raced to the door, cheered on by the other inmates wishing they had the guts to escape as well.
they then wheeled downt the street and into a deserted alley. they rested there for a while and discussed (in the few ways they found possible) their predicament. where would they go now? it seemed that luck was with these two, because they discovered that the house next to them was empty. thus, they took up living in that house. from that house, in the still of the night, insane laughter was heard drifting out. the people of the town, believing the house to be haunted never dared to investigate what the cause of the noise was.
thus, their reign of terror began. they scared old ladies, and X even stole a pair of yellow rubber boots from a poor unsuspecting infant. to make matters worse, the police force was too afraid to try and catch them, and the home (prison) for mentals which previously held them, thought it wasnt their concern. so this poor little town, is still reigned by terror in the day, and laughter at night.
if you ever come across this town, BEWARE OF THESE TWO! they are dangerous, and they might just steal your rubber boots or scare your granny.

my news
gasp, our computer annoys me to bits. i cant get to download pictures because it takes way way way to long, so you'll have to wait before there are any more pictures. on a more cheerful note however, we are going to have a dog... named rupert. does that ring a bell for any of you? i think so, he arrives tomorrow. also, you might have noticed that i changed my template (again) i think i will change it often-ish, as i like to be out of the ordinary. so, tell me when you like it and tell me when you dont.oh, will someone please tell me how to get links? i need links, as i am the only one without them, practically. john, explain how to do it again... please... i never got it the first time *sheepish grin*
i think thats all for now, i dont have anything profound to say but, when it comes, it will be memorable, yes it will be.
*and the meeting is dispersed*
i think thats all for now, i dont have anything profound to say but, when it comes, it will be memorable, yes it will be.
*and the meeting is dispersed*
Monday, August 15, 2005

please comment at the end of my post called my update with pictures or something like that.. thanks
i hope you hopers for pictures are satisfied for now!
the long awaited post... with pictures!
this is a picture of my cousin sera...
i am soooo annoyed right now... my pictures wont upload... so you will have to wait to see them, i just hope the one that worked turns out ok. john, you liar, you said it was simple... maybe for you, but not for me...
any way, i had a great trip in south africa, i got to see all my family, and maybe i'll get to show you pictures soon... but now for my update:
my last post was from cape town.. from cape town we proceeded to go back to my oupa's house and from there to visit my grandmother in brits. she was very happy to see us, but she cried when she saw us, we have grown that much. it was nice to be on the farm again, and nothing has changed. all that aside, we also helped fight a fire, it wasnt that serious, but please call me a hero for that one... :D. we also enjoyed seeing our cousin jonathan, who is still very funny. all that week was spent with my grandmother and cousin.. but i forgot the cd with my pictures of that week in south africa.. stupid me.
the next week we didnt really do that much. we went to see the mukhanyo college and all their organizations, and that was really the highlight of that week. it amazed me to see how poor some of the people their were... we really are blessed here in the states...
so, the last week comes around. the most fun week of the trip. we went on a "safari" in a place called mabalingwe with the whole side of my moms family, including the cousins from england. we had an awesome time, swam everyday about, and got really really dusty...but thats part of the fun... then we flew 19 hours back to the states.
in our own house we were met by john, terry and lynette who had made lunch for us... so nice of you guys... thanks!
oh, i got a haircut too, i have like no hair left.. :D
sorry about the rush, but my dad wants the computer..bye!

i am soooo annoyed right now... my pictures wont upload... so you will have to wait to see them, i just hope the one that worked turns out ok. john, you liar, you said it was simple... maybe for you, but not for me...
any way, i had a great trip in south africa, i got to see all my family, and maybe i'll get to show you pictures soon... but now for my update:
my last post was from cape town.. from cape town we proceeded to go back to my oupa's house and from there to visit my grandmother in brits. she was very happy to see us, but she cried when she saw us, we have grown that much. it was nice to be on the farm again, and nothing has changed. all that aside, we also helped fight a fire, it wasnt that serious, but please call me a hero for that one... :D. we also enjoyed seeing our cousin jonathan, who is still very funny. all that week was spent with my grandmother and cousin.. but i forgot the cd with my pictures of that week in south africa.. stupid me.
the next week we didnt really do that much. we went to see the mukhanyo college and all their organizations, and that was really the highlight of that week. it amazed me to see how poor some of the people their were... we really are blessed here in the states...
so, the last week comes around. the most fun week of the trip. we went on a "safari" in a place called mabalingwe with the whole side of my moms family, including the cousins from england. we had an awesome time, swam everyday about, and got really really dusty...but thats part of the fun... then we flew 19 hours back to the states.
in our own house we were met by john, terry and lynette who had made lunch for us... so nice of you guys... thanks!
oh, i got a haircut too, i have like no hair left.. :D
sorry about the rush, but my dad wants the computer..bye!
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