Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!
Monday, August 15, 2005
gordon trying to play playstation while sera covers his eyes to help her dad to win me with my cousin finn my uncle mike, in one of his sane moods
mike being attacked by the flowers... :D
isnt that sweet? please comment at the end of my post called my update with pictures or something like that.. thanks i hope you hopers for pictures are satisfied for now!
thanks guys... i will put more pictures on when i get some time...what am i saying? i have time now, but i dont feel like it... wait for a while and i will post more, K? yes john, i got it to work... now please tell me how to get links... pleasey pleasey! thanks for the welcome evie... and sure, phone us! tata
Hi, its nick, I finally checked out your blog. And I decided to start a blog to. HA, your stupid, or something like that. I know, that was random, but so am I.
about me?well, lets see ... im sixteen, i love emailing (since the bulk of my friends are overseas...:D) have a great life and enjoy good humour. i have brown hair, i am taller than my mom, and i have the same size shoes as my sister. i am a Christian... i dont know how i would get by without the love of Christ... and thats about all!!
CUTE cousins!! great pix...i wanna c way more!!
Hey there! Welcome home!!!
No body told me when you guys would be getting back! I believe I shall call you guys today.
hey, ya got it working! good fer you!
thanks guys... i will put more pictures on when i get some time...what am i saying? i have time now, but i dont feel like it... wait for a while and i will post more, K?
yes john, i got it to work... now please tell me how to get links... pleasey pleasey!
thanks for the welcome evie... and sure, phone us!
you guys comment more when im away than when you do when im here... depressing
No no! Oh, I tried calling but you guys weren't home. Red said something about the beach, how was it?
oh the beach... cool! we met up with the sikmas and had a cool time swimming and playing frisbee and other stuff... fun fun fun!
That my friend is spam. Delete it!!!!!
what is spam?
um.....its something you can fried then put on bread with mustard and it tastes good.
bryan, that was not funny
seriously, what is spam? and what is a photo URL?
spam is good. I used to eat it with cheese on a sandwich when I was little!!
i hate our computer... grr, i hate it hate it hate it!!!
Hi, its nick, I finally checked out your blog. And I decided to start a blog to. HA, your stupid, or something like that. I know, that was random, but so am I.
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