Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!

Friday, August 19, 2005

my news

gasp, our computer annoys me to bits. i cant get to download pictures because it takes way way way to long, so you'll have to wait before there are any more pictures. on a more cheerful note however, we are going to have a dog... named rupert. does that ring a bell for any of you? i think so, he arrives tomorrow. also, you might have noticed that i changed my template (again) i think i will change it often-ish, as i like to be out of the ordinary. so, tell me when you like it and tell me when you dont.oh, will someone please tell me how to get links? i need links, as i am the only one without them, practically. john, explain how to do it again... please... i never got it the first time *sheepish grin*
i think thats all for now, i dont have anything profound to say but, when it comes, it will be memorable, yes it will be.
*and the meeting is dispersed*


Eva Lemmon..? said...

click on the "template" tab in you dash baord.

B. Scroll down untill you find

lixa?>----<>---<>Edit me<

or something to that effect. Then you go and put in the>gorgio<

Erika said...

Rupert? omg, RUUUUUUPERT!!! Noone DID ever tell me who he was!! Why are you getting a dog, anyway?? What kind is he? from whence doth he come?

scarlatti said...

rupert once belonged to the lannings. but they could no longer take care of him, so they gave him to us. hes a cairn terrier and he comes from the lannings... ok erika? gordon calls him shmo.hes got about five names already.

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Hey, you're giving us a bad rap!

We could take care of him, but he wouldn't have gotten much one on one time. (Because I'm going to collage..)


Eva Lemmon..? said...

Also, Just copy what the Google link looks like.
Hee hee hee!!

Erika said...

NOW I KNOW WHO RUPERT IS!!!!!! THANK YOU SCARLETT!! Now I can SLEEP at night again!!!

Smart Aleck said...

if you want some help with you blog you can email me at

scarlatti said...

oh, thanks mr. i am a smart aleck... youll probably be hearing from me soon enough... :D
evie, i didnt get the comment on copy what the google link looks like, you confuse me...
glad you can sleep now erika... really, i feel so specail that thanks to me, you can now sleep

Anonymous said...

HI scarlett i'm commenting seeeeee!!! arnt' u proud of me?? Well have fun doing whatever. BYE!!!!
the one
the only

Anonymous said...

ummm........wut can i say
