this is the sad narrative of two individuals. they will for good reasons, be left nameless and so we will call them X and Y. X and Y were not your average people. ah yes, my friends, they were mental retards. or to be politically correct, they were disturbed. and they were starting to scare the neighbourhood in which they resided.finally, after they had scared one old lady into hysterics so violent that she was admitted into the hospital and later died, they were arrested and taken to a home for the disturbed. then they were put into a little room where no one saw them. they were forgotten, but far from gone. oh yes, not yet gone.
it was a while later that our two disturbed friends decided that they didnt like their new home. so they hatched an ingenious plan (for mentals) to escape. so when the man with their rations came round the next day, they somehow knocked him out, bound and gagged him and hopped into their wheelchairs. then they frantically wheeled out, at 100 mph, and made their way to the fire escape door. on the way, they flattend an unfortunate nurse, and killed her. not daring to stop, they raced to the door, cheered on by the other inmates wishing they had the guts to escape as well.
they then wheeled downt the street and into a deserted alley. they rested there for a while and discussed (in the few ways they found possible) their predicament. where would they go now? it seemed that luck was with these two, because they discovered that the house next to them was empty. thus, they took up living in that house. from that house, in the still of the night, insane laughter was heard drifting out. the people of the town, believing the house to be haunted never dared to investigate what the cause of the noise was.
thus, their reign of terror began. they scared old ladies, and X even stole a pair of yellow rubber boots from a poor unsuspecting infant. to make matters worse, the police force was too afraid to try and catch them, and the home (prison) for mentals which previously held them, thought it wasnt their concern. so this poor little town, is still reigned by terror in the day, and laughter at night.
if you ever come across this town, BEWARE OF THESE TWO! they are dangerous, and they might just steal your rubber boots or scare your granny.

Wow, I never knew!! They seemed so NORMAL at school!! I shall be forced to report them to necessary authorities!!
i would like to thank those who have inspired me to write this post, courtney aka Y and jess aka X. without you none of this would have happened. i would also like to thank you, my commenters, for your unfailing support and comments... i appreciate it so much.
now that im over my sentiments, erika, go ahead you really should report them... except that they might hunt you down... jk
Hey guyz! this is uhhhh X according to scarlett:D Well ya see it's kinda sad what i'm about to tell u. See scarlett is using us to cover up the things she rly did...and is.lol SO she's mental and disturbed sniff sniff poor gal. But i do steal rubber boots:D hehe!
Actually i'm just kidding:D lol
cya lata!
did you like the post jess?
oh yeah it was totally cool....of course cuz it was about me JK:D
i don't have yellow boots and my granny lives in kzoo so i guess i don't have anything to worry about.
thanx 4 uncovering my past, scarlett. rlly appreciate it. just when i was getting back 2 normal... now i will be the school reject (along with jess:) o well, we'll have fun scarin ppl
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