Im bored, so i have a blog. Youre bored, so you read and comment on my blog. LETS BE FRIENDS!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A day in the life of nobody..

if you had to take a look in the life of the average nobody of this world, you would probably be amazed at how boring it is. first, you would observe them awakening from their slumbers of the past night. they would probably slouch to the bathroom to take a shower, or maybe not you never know. then, they would probably slouch downstairs and eat breakfast. by this time it would be around 11:00. then they would make their way to the living room and turn on the ghastly thing we call a television and watch all kinds of junk for endless and pointless hours. by this time, it would be time for them to fill their stomachs with jnky food like potato chips and pizza. on their way back to the living room, they would stub their toe and subsequently cry for a while, or revert to foul language. after venting their spleen on that, they will then go back to the tv for a few more wasted hours of their precious time. they might after a while talk on the phone or go on the computer. then they will daydream about their dream person for a while. after dinner they will resume doing nothing and then go to bed late at night. the next day, this same pattern will be repeated.
now, in light of all this, arent you glad that you're not a nobody? so be glad, if you're ever thinking about being gloomy, at least you have a life to live, so get out there and live it!


Anonymous said...

I thought home schoolers didn't have a life. I guess we spread every thing out or we'er just used to it.

Erika said...

duuuude...thats pretty much a disturbing thought!! I, for one, am VERY glad I'm somebody!!

Contrarian said...

Hey! Nice blog.

Check out my blog,, for a good laugh.

Chaz out.

scarlatti said...

thanx chaz... i liked your blog too

Anonymous said...

am i ever thankful im not a nobody.
sounds pretty. . . boring
(imagine how fat and white you'd be)

John W. Sikma said...

How do you know what a nobody is? Sounds like a good life though, I might try some of that action.

scarlatti said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
scarlatti said...

my previous comment was dumb, so i deleted it.. hey john, dont u dare consider being a nobody... ill kill you

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Well oI nevah!
Have you listened to the beetles tune,
no-where man? thats what this sounds like.

born2fly said...

If your a nobody, and they say "nobody's perfect" doesnt that mean you're perfect...i'm confused and happy to be somebody i guess

Erika said...

Wow abbs, that was like, RLY profound!!

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Try this on for size.

"Do not ask for hot water at the well"

-anciant chinese proverb.


Contrarian said...

Hey, I was thinking. If you put up a link to my blog,, I'll put up a link to yours on my blog.

John W. Sikma said...

Chazz, what's your problem? Go blog with your own friends from Canada... the only random person alowed in this blogging circle is Erika Van Unknown, and that's just cause she knows Gordon. (Isn' that correct?)

scarlatti said...

jeez, touchy john. i dont care if i put his link up, i would but i dont know how... and whats wrong with getting to know new ppl?
oh chaz, why do u put ur blog name on every comment you make? its kinda wierd... how do i put links on my blog any way?
oh, thx for all the comments guys... im gonna go now... um, john please send me that thing so i can put pictures on my blog and please someone tell me how to do the link things... thanks... i need to learn how to do these things, but im so uneducated

Erika said...

Evie, are u allowed to ask for COLD water?

Thanx John, that was really sweet of u 2 say!! N yah, I do know gordon so thats prolly y I'm allowed. Also could someone tell ME how do links and pictures?? cuz i rly wanna know how and like scarlett am apparently quite the point where I supposedly need a dictionary!!

John W. Sikma said...

okay girls, I promise I'll help. Give me a date, and we can go on instant messenger and work things out. I'll make your blogs look so cool, you won't have to write cool stuff... people will get so carried away with the graphics, they'll forget that there's no substance! HAHA! that is all.

scarlatti said...

well, its gotta be soon b/c we're going vacationing u know john... so sometime in june, K?