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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Pride and Prejudice?

Well, this post is not about the book by Jane Austen (an awesome book, by the way), but about pride and prejudice in people. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to adapt to different people and especially if they do things differently to you do? Because i have. Its not easy just to adapt and to accept differences, why? Because of pride very often. All people have a certain amount of pride in themselves, their family, country or whatever. But it gets too much when we start pointing at other people from different backgrounds and judging them for being different. In other words, we become prejudiced. I myself am guilty of this, everyone is. But, if we overcome our differences, we will see that there are people of different races out there that are very very cool! What we need to do is we need to think outside the box, and get out there and see the world is an amazing place of all different people. Isnt that what makes life as exciting as it it... i mean, what if we were all the same? The world would be so boring and dull. We need to overcome our pride and our prejudices to realize how cool the world and all the people in it are.


Erika said...

FIRST COMMENT!! wow scarlett, that was all rly profound!! its a rly good pt too. At good old PCHS we're very guilty of prejudice, and its 4sure something that needs to be fixed!! this post wouldn't have been inspired by the whole Chaz deal would it?

scarlatti said...

kinda, but ive been thinking about it for a while... its really easy to become prejudiced against anyone really, even if you do know them, yaknow?

Eva Lemmon..? said...

Hey man, I was just joking with him.

scarlatti said...

i never accused anyone, just random thoughts ive been having

born2fly said...

Hm thats very insightful. I'll have to agree with you Scarlett. I think many people in our circles are tooo sheltered and inflenced by others belief. BE AN INDIVIDUAL!