hello guys!!! so sorry i havent posted in forever, but as you probably know, life is HECTIC for us miskins here in SA. not only did oupa die, but dids was sick. but we are thankful to the Lord that she is now discharged and is at home. but she lives out in the middle of nowhere with my step grandad, and i wonder how long it will be before something bad happens again. we want them to come live with us when we move into our new house, but i dont know if that will happen. any way, thats one thing we are still praying about. otherwise, thanks alot for the thoughtful emails and stuff, it meant alot to me that you guys are thinking of us. well, life is calmed down an inch, but we're still rushing (hence the title...) around the place. life is just... BUSIER here. our container is having problems, the company keeps saying we didnt pay, but we did, but they say we didnt... blafsh blafsh. the long and short of it is, that theyre not releasing our container... pray some more, miskin. er, well... school is going great for us... i have friends now, and they're fun... at least mine are. santie though, likes to scare me. those of you who know me well know i like to do that to people as well, but am scared very easily. so she jumped out at me when i came out of the bathroom the other day, and i like snorted i got such a big fright, pulled a great face and turned all white. she was laughing for a very looooong time. her laugh makes me laugh. then of course, there is the house. arg... its not getting any better... here goes:
(this probably wont be that funny, but i hope its midly amusing and informative)
the lady who is renting it to us is this stiff necked old afrikaans lady, who lives out on a farm and gets up really really early. so last week, she pitched at our house at like 7:00 a.m to get something, the rent i think. ok, so shes tramping round the house on the noisey wooden floors gettting this and that from here and there. i was TRYING to sleep, i mean, it is seven in the morning, good grief. so she had to get something that mom thought was in gordons room, so the poor guy gets out of bed (i feel for gordon, hes not an early riser. neither am i) and puts shorts on so that when mrs. vandersluis walks into his room, he looks presentable. the thing she wanted wasnt in his room, so he sat there until after she had left waiting for her to come in. by this time, i was awake, but lying with my eyes shut in bed, hoping to go back to sleep. it didnt work. she left telling mom that she USUALLY comes at 6:00 a.m, so we're lucky she came so late. i almost squealed.
then, the other day, old faithful did its faithfulness: the toilet didnt work properly. AGAIN im trying to sleep, and this toilet flushes loudly. so my dad flushed the toilet, and walked out, tramping down the hallways, which is really quite noisy. ah, i think, now to sleep again. TARA!! five minutes later, dad is back, at the flush like theres no tomorrow. no prob, i think, you always have to flush twice. ok, couple minutes later, dad is back. flushing with a vengeance. what is this, methinks. he flushed like eight times that morning, and then i think it finally worked. i was like " its time the plumber came to check out this relic of a toilet"o well...
then there was the time we had moths the size of baseballs flying around our home... morgy and i walked out of our room, and saw these massive things flying around the light. "eeeks, theres birds in our house..."saith morgy. i thought they were bats... but dad came out of his room to check it out, and declared them to be humungo moths. gross. mom forthwith rushed into their room, declaring "i dont need these moths... OOOOOOh!!!" a moth had flown into my mom, startling her out of her wits, and causing her to flee the scene into the bathroom. it was funny, i tell you. heres mom in the bathroom "brushing her teeth". so dad grabbed a grey t- shirt and was leaping around the room in effort to kill the foul creatures. all i heard was "earh...unnghs.... ampsh..." etc etc, as he jumped around flapping his t-shirt. he did get them finally, and squashed them beneath his black shoes. it was very funny... free entertainment...then there was the time gordon had a moth flying around his room at night. he saw the thing, and thought to himself "oh no". so he put off the light, because moths are attracted to light. "peace at last..." he thought. and went to bed. "flutter...flutter...flutter...flutter...flutter..." by this time gordon had one eye open, since moths are annoying as they fly around in the dark. ok, he closed his eye. "pff..." nooooo, gordon thought, it cant be. it was. the moth had landed right next to his head on his pillow. so gordon leaped out of bed, and grabbed a t-shirt and threw it over the moth. he then threw the shirt across the room, removed it and squished the moth with a shoe. he said he almost screamed when the moth landed next to him, and i dont blame him. theres something creepy about a bug landing next to your head in the dark.
then the other night, i had a mosquito flying around my head. it was about 2 a.m, or so it felt. i was really sick of it all, coz just as i would be drifting off to sleep, it would re-appear at my earside, and whine in my ear. i was by this time, going half mad from sleep deprivation, and was starting to dream up crazy ways to get rid of it. i knew i would never be able to squish it, i cant even squish a mosquito in when its right in front of me. suddenly, it dawned upon me, the perfect solution. why dont i move to
the other side of my bed!!! it would NEVER find me there, i thought to myself in my delirium. so i moved to the other side, chuckling at my genius. JUST as i was drifting off, there was the familiar "eeeeeeeeeee..." of the mosquito right by my ear. "rats... who did it find me here?" i thought. i then put my pillow over my head, and finally fell asleep. next morning, morgy was giving me an odd look. "why are you on the other side of your bed?" she asked. ok, stoofus, i'll explain. "i was trying to get away from a mosquito last night" morgy had a good laugh at that one. then a couple nights later, we had a fly in our room. so morgy rushed into the bathroom and grabbed the mosquito spray, so make it go away. she proceeded to close the door, and rush over to our beds (which are pretty close together) and sprayed liberally all over the area. it was like a gas chamber. in effort to disguise the fumes, she grabbed her bottle of perfume and sprayed tons of that too. i was about dead in our home-made gas chamber, so i fled the scene.
now, washing the dishes. this is what gordon and morgy and gordon are doing at this very moment. the yellow rubber gloves helped alot. at least we dont feel the floaties any more, and our hands dont get all wrinkly and shrivelled. but, they do have a down side. when you take the gloves off, a sick smell of rubber glove wafts off your hands and into the nostrils of all innocent passers by, who then think you havent bathed for months, and give you odd looks, and avoid you at all costs. now, one of the rubber gloves have three holes: one in the thumb, one in the index finger and one in the pinky. so the water gathers like little pools at the end of these fingers, and smells pretty gross. so gordon put his hands in the gloves this evening, and said it was like putting his hands into a swamp. he felt a newt in there, he said. any way, so you wash, and when you take the gloves off, your hands smell like
wet rubber gloves. and now the innocent passer by faints, instead of thinking you some unclean bum. and
WITHOUT FAIL when we put the gloves on, our noses start to itch like crazy. i had to get poor ol' gordon to itch my nose twice. he kindly obliged by rubbing my nose (none to gently) with an old dish rag that smelled really bad. such is dishes.
then the other day, gordon was singing " fix you" by coldplay, while we were doing the dishes (oddly enough, when we do the dishes is when we joke around the most, most of the time). any way, gordon started seranading simon (the dog.) this is what he sang "simon: i will tryyyyy to fix you...." he sang that a couple times, and simon was whining. so then i said to gordon "you know gordon, that isnt all that healthy to sing to the poor dog..." gordon laughed out loud, and stopped singing that song to simon. simon is still annoying... he smells bad, slobbers and whines alot. i fell bad though, all he wants is some affection. thing is, when i give it to him, my hand smells bad, and he doesnt want me to stop. then i get mad, and biff him on the head. its time we got our little rupert back.. which brings up rupert. hes staying with friends of ours, who have a FEMALE daschund. they got along so well, that now there are puppies on the way. these things are going to look very very funny, but i think they'll be cute. we want to keep one, and i hope we do.
just to prove how boring this house is, i'll put forth one scenario. from oupas house after he had died, morgy discovered a treasure. A PAIR OF CRUTCHES!!! ohboyohboy... she was happy with those. she was limping around oupas house with those all the time. then they came back with us to our "rental estate" where there are long spacious passage ways, just right for crutching. just kidding. the passage is about ten feet long. but so bored was morgy, that she hauled them out of our room, and crutched down the hallway and throught the lounge, into the dining room (where my dad has his study), through the kitchen, and down the passage to our room, where the parade started again. at supper, dad complained about them. "one day, im going to walk into the house, trip over them, and break them into TEN pieces, i promise you." gordon then quipped " you wont break them dad, you'll be using them!!" when asked why she played with these amazing pieces of technology, she said "its fun!!" silence. "FUN??" sputtered dad, "tells you how boring this house must be..." and really it is, come on!!! i was so bored the other day, i tried out the crutches. dad saw me limping through the lounge, and sighed. i decided it best to put them away. so i did.
okok, that better keep you post wanters quiet for now, that is a very very long post. i hope you almost smiled, thought of gordon and morgy and me with fondness, and i hope you read it all. guys, i miss y'all. see you soon one day though... keep praying for us, and if you have needs, i will pray for you too. tata!!!